Dignity of Work & the Rights of Workers
10:30-11:30am on Sunday, September 20th & 27th, and October 4th
Presented by Aimee Shelide Mayer
Some people refer to Catholic Social Teaching as the "best kept secret" of the Catholic Church. Hidden within that "secret" is another unknown reality: the social doctrine of the Church has its foundation in labor and the dignity of working people.
In 1891, Pope Leo XIII released Rerum Novarum ("On the Condition of Labor"), the first social encyclical of the Catholic Church. Since then, popes including St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI have continued this emphasis on the dignity of work and the rights of workers to organize for safe and dignified working conditions.
As our nation celebrates Labor Day during the month of September, you're invited to come learn about and discuss this principle of Catholic Social Teaching in a three-part series, exploring its historical and theological foundations as well as the landscape and practice of Church-Labor partnerships today. Aimee Shelide Mayer of the national Catholic Labor Network and a Nashville resident will guide us in this thought-provoking discussion.
Photo by Charles Edward Miller / cc-by-sa-2.0 / opacity changed from original