Exquisite Listening Workshop FEBRUARY 11, 2017 9 – 12 NOON WEST WING OF PARISH CENTER Presenter: Dr. Ted Klontz, Ph.D., founder of the Financial Psychology Institute and an Associate Professor at Creighton University Heider College of Business RSVP to joceline.lemaire@ctk.org by February 6, 2017 Relationships fail when communication breaks down. Exquisite listening focuses on the most important aspect of communication: listening. Being heard meets two critical human needs: the need for connection and the need to belong. There is no deeper connection than totally understanding another and being fully understood by another. Those who have experienced this often refer to the experience as “Sacred”. This highly interactive workshop involves learning what listening is and isn’t, as well as practicing exquisite listening skills. Christ the King is offering this workshop for adults as a way to improve communication in our families, marriages and our parish. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19 The church is a “place where believers speak and listen to each other, and it is the community of faith that speaks with and listens to the world.” Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Newark, New Jersey |