The teachings of the Catholic Church on holy orders might be summarized in the following points:
Weekly Meditation: Reflect on Sacrifice
Think about the church leaders and ministers that have meant the most to you in your spiritual journey. Who are they? What qualities or commitments made them effective in their ministry?
The purpose of a priest is to offer sacrifice. (Note: the defining characteristic of a sacrifice is not that it is difficult or painful, but that it is pleasing to God.) In our baptisms, we join in Christ’s priestly offering of his entire life as a work of love to the God he named Father. What life works do you offer to God?
When we gather for the Eucharist, we bring our weekly works, our troubles, our hopes, and our fears -- our selves, our relationships, our worlds. In the power of the Spirit, the celebrating priest collects us, uniting us with the whole Church in union with Christ our head. The priest offers the whole person of Christ, present on the altar and in the pews, to the Father as a single, perfect prayer of gratitude and praise.